Within the past three weeks, Georgia residents have experienced weather as low as ten and as high as 75 degrees. We’ve had warm sunny weather one day, and cold rainy weather the next. While the cold is helping to kill off insects and weeds, this kind of back-and-forth has us looking forward to the warm weather of spring.
While we are still in the preparation stages for this upcoming season, we wanted to share what we plan to grow on the research farm this year:
- Corn
- Cotton
- Hay
- Peanuts
- Sorghum
- Sunflowers
The Darrel William’s Research Farm is a 530-acre farm located here at the Sunbelt Ag Expo. For the last 45 years, making this year 46, our team has been guiding industry research organized by the University of Georgia agronomists, as well as agricultural company researchers.
Stay tuned to hear about more of what is going on at the research farm this spring!