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Who We Are
The Sunbelt Ag Expo is an agricultural-based trade show held at Spence Field in Moultrie, Ga. Known as “North America’s Premier Farm Show”® the annual event has more than 1200 exhibitors showcasing the latest in farming technology. Whether you are a large acreage production farmer or a weekend lifestyle farmer the Expo is an event you don’t want to miss.
The Darrell Williams Research Farm at the Sunbelt Ag Expo boasts 530 acres of farmland devoted to year-round research that supports southeastern agriculture with large acreage research plots and demonstration opportunities. New technologies, plant varieties, cropping systems and equipment are developed, tested and demonstrated to the industry at this location. A team of skilled farm workers assist University researchers, Extension Specialists and Industry representatives with the work, bringing the latest discoveries and technologies directly to the farmers.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to produce the premier farm show in the world; one that is conducive to trade and emphasizes information, education and implementation of the latest agricultural technology, research and equipment.
Future Show Dates
- 2024: October 15-17
- 2025: October 14-16
- 2026: October 20-22
Our Unique Location and Property
The Expo’s unique site has a 100-acre exhibit area adjoining a 530-acre working research farm. In the exhibit area, which includes both outdoor and indoor exhibits visitors will find every imaginable product or service a farm could ever need. In addition to the static exhibits visitors can attend educational, entertaining seminars and demonstrations offered in a variety of specialized areas. Visitors can ride take a tram from the exhibit area to the fields where cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans, and hay are being harvested. These harvesting demonstrations, as well as tillage demonstrations, equipment driving ranges, irrigation technology and precision ag demonstrations all provide opportunities to see and compare a wide range of equipment in an actual working setting. Company representatives and specialists are in the fields to answer visitor questions.
More about the Sunbelt Ag Expo
The Sunbelt Ag Expo is an agricultural-based trade show held at Spence Field in Moultrie, Ga. Known as “North America’s Premier Farm Show”®.
Expo originated from ABAC’s AET (Ag Engineering Technology) Club Dealer Days. The very first Dealer Days was held on the ABAC campus in 1964. These mini-trade shows shows were designed to allow local dealers to show off their new tractors & implements. At the same time, it provided students an opportunity to meet with potential employers. More often than not, many students working with Dealers Days went on to find employment with the local equipment dealers.
Visitors attend the Expo for various reasons. One of the main reasons is the annual event attracts more than 1200 exhibitors each year who showcase the latest in farming technology and whether you are a large acreage production farmer or a weekend lifestyle farmer the Expo is an event you don’t want to miss. We guarantee that each year visitors will come see and learn something new! No two Expos are ever the same.
There are also over 300 different seminars and demonstrations offered over the course of the 3-day event covering topics such as Beef Cattle Management, Equine, Goat & Sheep Health, Fish/Pond Management, Alpaca, Dairy, Poultry, Electrical Safety, backyard gardening and sustainable living topics. The Expo works with 22 Land Grant Colleges and Universities from the Southeastern U.S. to provide these educational opportunities at no additional cost to the Expo visitors.
The Expo’s unique site has a 100-acre exhibit area adjoining a 530-acre working research farm. In the exhibit area, which includes both outdoor and indoor exhibits visitors will find every imaginable product or service a farm could ever need. A variety of exhibitor areas offer something for everyone. These include Agribusiness, Tractors/Equipment, irrigation, Precision Farming, Livestock (Beef Cattle, Horses, Dairy, Poultry, Sheep, Goats, Alpacas) Forestry, Antique Tractors, Automotive Section, Lawn, Garden, Fish Ponds, Electricity, Propane Gas, Hunting, Fishing, Family Living, Backyard Gardening, ATV, American Grand Finals Stock Dog Trials. There is an Antique Tractor Parade held daily, test tracks for Trucks, ATVS and XUVs.
Visitors can ride take a tram from the exhibit area to the fields where cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans, and hay are being harvested. These harvesting demonstrations, as well as tillage demonstrations, Compact Tractor driving ranges, irrigation technology and precision ag demonstrations all provide opportunities to see and compare a wide range of equipment in an actual working setting. Company representatives and specialists are in the fields to answer visitor questions.
At the Expo we are proudest of the fact that we continue to produce “North America’s Premier Farm Show”. Each year we strive to do better, make improvements and add something unique. We continue to reach these goals each year. We are pleased to hear that our exhibitors are returning each year because they make good sales and contacts at our event. Many exhibitors have commented that we are the easiest show staff to work with in the industry. We are also proud of the fact that we are continuing to experience growth and we are seeing more exhibitors making long-term commitments to our show by building permanent facilities. That says to us that they believe in us, they believe in Expo and they believe in the future of agriculture.