Sunbelt Ag Expo stands out from other farm shows across the country because of its 530-acre Research Farm. Each year in late March or early April, the Expo farm crew begins planting plots representing crops grown in the southeast. What better way to celebrate the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer?

Over the next couple of months, a large amount of research plots will be planted to test seed varieties, fertilizers and chemicals, soil moisture levels, irrigation usage, and much more. University of Georgia researchers, company researchers, and agronomists can be found on the farm during the season once these trials have started and as samples are collected throughout the growing season. The Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day, held each July, is the highlight of the year as farmers from each region visit the farm to learn about the newest technology being tested and how they can plan to incorporate it into their own operation. 

This year, plan to visit with:  

  • Vivid Life Science
  • Americot, Inc
  • Helena Agri-Enterprises
  • Nutrien Ag Solutions
  • Bayer
  • NK Syngenta
  • Corteva Agriscience
  • R.W. Griffin
  • Simplot Grower Solutions
  • AgroTech USA
  • Forquimica
  • UGA
    • Stanley Culpepper
    • Simerjeet Virk
    • Jeremy Kichler
    • Lisa Baxter
    • Scott Monfort

Go ahead and mark your calendars now for the 2024 Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day July 10-24. Opening the farm for a two week period will allow farmers to visit at their convenience and study the plots at their own pace. Additionally, many groups will have company-specific events that will feature their plots. More detailed information will be available later this month so be sure to keep up with us on our Instagram and Facebook!

Sunbelt Ag Expo 2024 Field Day July 10-24