The Sunbelt Ag Expo may last only three days every October, but the research happening on the Darrell Williams Research Farm located on the Expo grounds happens 365 days a year.  

“We have the unique ability to work with university and corporate researchers on our research farm, where we continue to conduct cotton, peanut, corn, sorghum and forage research — all aimed at improving the farmer’s bottom line. We look at the latest seed varieties, crop protection methods, soil fertility, irrigation and precision ag technology,” says Chip Blalock, Sunbelt Ag Expo Executive Director. 

While the word “sustainable” doesn’t always come with the most positive thoughts, in the field of agriculture, the notion is of the utmost importance.  Sustainable agriculture considers environmental, social, and economic concerns as equals.  Agricultural sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  Considering the current input costs, water shortages, and other challenges facing the present-day farmer, being good stewards of the land is at the forefront of farmer’s minds.

Want to learn more?  Plan now to attend this year’s Field Day, July 21st, beginning at 8:00 a.m. More detailed information will be available later in the year at Ag Expo Field Day 2022