It’s so easy to pick up our phone or computer, pull up our favorite search engine, type in a term, and search for what we want to know.  Directions, a recipe, the best way to do something, the latest trend, how to fix something, the best price for an item – you name it, it’s at our fingertips.  This has made the digital space so competitive.  More and more, businesses are having to fight for our attention online.  It’s almost taken the purpose of having a relationship with people out of the equation.  

As you plan your year, plan to incorporate the “old-fashioned” way of doing business back into your life.  The convenience of educating yourself and your family about products online is a fantastic resource.  Additionally, making some of your purchases online is just simply part of life.  However, when you have the opportunity, plan to engage in building relationships outside of your computer.  As you are doing that planning for your business or your family, consider a trip to the Sunbelt Ag Expo in October.

Over 40 years ago, the Expo was the only place that farmers and those in the agribusiness community could come to in the southeast to see the most advanced technology that would be offered during the next year.  Over the years, as computers have advanced and people have quit relying on the relationships they have with salespeople, we’ve become more comfortable with gaining all of our knowledge while sitting at home and bypassing the traditional educational tradeshows and other events that are created to provide industry professionals opportunities to interact with those in the community.  These relationships and networks have been sacrificed.  

Between now and October the staff and volunteers of the Sunbelt Ag Expo are working to put together a phenomenal show featuring the latest in agricultural technology.  We look forward to welcoming you in person to experience all of the features in advanced agribusiness.  Walk the grounds of the Expo, laugh with old friends, have fun with family, forge new relationships, engage with new people. Experience the Sunbelt Ag Expo October 14-16, 2025.

Face to Face Relationships Are Made at the Sunbelt Ag Expo