By Whitnie Yoder, 2024 Sunbelt Ag Expo Social Media Intern

Since 1986, the Georgia Peanut Commission has supported the Sunbelt Ag Expo and served their tasty, grilled sandwiches to the hungry attendees. These two simply go together, just like peanut butter and jelly. Having a noticeably strong presence in the southeastern agricultural industry, Georgia Peanuts has been around for over 60 years and provided a southern charm to the commodity association. 

Many visitors follow their noses to the far end of the Expo grounds, where the grills are hot with crispy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Under the quaint, tan building, Georgia Peanuts also serves several samples of seasoned, fried Georgia Peanuts. Once you step in, you feel a sense of the rich history and lasting legacy of the peanut industry in Georgia. A hand-painted mural of the peanut field at the Expo displays a harvest moon, a rich southern sunset, and the antiquity of growing the classic legumes. Children can find entertainment in the mock schoolhouse, where peanut trivia questions are asked and answered. 

Don Khoeler has served as the Executive Director of the Georgia Peanut Commission for 39 years and is passionate about the industry he serves. His team of advisors and Commission staff is a dedicated group that partners well with the Sunbelt Expo. Additionally, the University of Georgia extension and research works closely with the Commission to combine advocacy with information. This provides both consumers and growers with the most effective information possible. 

Apart from their consistent presence at the Sunbelt Expo, Georgia Peanuts works steadily throughout the year to advocate for and promote their commodity. Between those who grow the peanuts and those who enjoy them, no one can deny the dedication of the Peanut Commission to their industry. Truly setting themselves apart through notability and size, the Georgia Peanut Commission is always a visitor favorite at the Sunbelt Ag Expo. While the grilled sandwiches are a draw into the building, through conversation, one notices the tradition of the industry and that is what draws the lasting support.

Georgia Peanuts 2024 Sunbelt Ag Expo