Gardener Must Haves: Tools You Need to be a Successful Gardener

A green thumb is one of those characteristics that if you don’t have it, you definitely wish you did. Some people are blessed with the ability to take care of a garden easily, and the rest of us need a little bit of help. Last week, we gave tips on where to start with this backyard garden, and today we’re going to touch on some tools to help keep it growing.

Equipment, like watering tools, shovels, and wheel barrels, that you use throughout the duration of the crop can have a significant impact on the success of your garden. Once you have your garden crops selected and planted, it is important to keep them hydrated. A basic water hose allows for easier access to make sure the plants have enough water to grow. If you don’t want to use a hose, a watering can is another good option. A shovel will come in handy for digging up weeds or when the crops are finished and ready to get out of the garden. It is crucial to get plants that are finished producing out of the garden promptly. Doing this will prevent pests and weeds. A wheel barrel can also be nice to have for your garden because you can haul waste and weeds off or bring in new compost with it.

In addition, you may want to consider some other tools outside of the basics, but they do add some additional costs. Tools to consider using before planting include a wheel hoe, a single tine cultivator, or a walk-behind tiller. These tools will ease the process of getting your soil ready to plant. These items can be a little more costly, but you will get a large return on your investment. Another garden investment is a good lawnmower. Though most people don’t think of it as garden equipment, a lawnmower can be a very vital piece to help trim the garden once plants are done producing.

Having the right tools is just one of many factors that go into having that successful backyard garden. Next week’s blog will be all about conservation practices and how to water your garden efficiently, which is another critical factor when growing a garden. Come back to learn more about achieving your best garden!